an eco boutique

Grasshopper 510 Blog

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Teacher's Pet

Need a quick gift for your child's teacher? Look no further than this pencil case. Made of recycled cardboard tubes and repurposed flip-flop foam, it gets an A+ on its eco-report card.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Is It Summer Yet?

It's supposed to hit 80 degrees here in Chicago today and we are itching to dine al fresco. To keep the bugs at bay, we have this citronella candle that can't be beat: recycled glass, soy wax, plus the scent keeps the mosquitos away? Perfect summer host gift: FOUND.

Monday, May 11, 2009

We Love This Bag

Look what we got in the mail today: as soon as we saw this bag, we fell in love. It's the perfect fresh color we're craving for Spring, but it's also going to work well in the colder months. These Ashley Watson bags don't stick around too long, so if you love it as much as we do, snap it up!