an eco boutique

Grasshopper 510 Blog

Monday, June 22, 2009

Check out the Chuck

Who knew that you could dream of a waste basket? The Chuck from studioCrank is a new edition to our store and people (including us!) are loving it already. It's great for trash - sized for a 3 gallon BioBag for the messy types, storage, and of course recycling. Best of all it's made of 100% recycled cardboard and is printed with low VOC inks. If you order it on-line it ships flat, but it takes about a minute to put it together.
Check out the Chuck - $12

Monday, June 15, 2009

NPR's The Story with Dick Gordon

We always love it when people sit up and take notice of our designers. The pretty organic table linens from Fiberactive Organics got some well-deserved attention when Julie Mullin, the founder of Fiberactive Organics, was featured on NPR's The Story a few months ago in a piece called A Gift of Hands. Julie employs Vietnamese refugees in her North Carolina business and this unique relationship is explored in the NPR piece.

We love the idea of cloth napkins at home, both to make any meal seem that much nicer, and also to do away with paper napkins. You can see Fiberactive Organics napkins here, and you can listen to the podcast here.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Have We Mentioned It's Our Birthday?

Yep, Grasshopper 510 is turning one. To celebrate we are having a major in-store sale on Saturday and Sunday: 20% off all regularly priced items. If you're local please stop in and check it out.

....Did we mention there will be cupcakes?