an eco boutique

Grasshopper 510 Blog

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Almost Famous?

When we got a phone call yesterday asking us to chat about one of the lines we carry, we didn't expect immediate gratification, but voila! Here we are quoted in the Bradenton Herald (that's in Florida for those of you who didn't know) talking about the super cute onesies that we carry from OBLI Organics.

' “The ‘I only ride hybrid’ line is one of the most popular,” said Jean Taylor, owner of Grasshopper 510, a Chicago-based retailer that carries OBLI Organics. “Their clothes are popular. They have lots of really cute graphics. The onsies are a bit more popular for new baby gifts.” OBLI Organics is carried in 45 stores across the nation and one in Honduras.'

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


A few of our products have gotten some great attention recently:

This sweet carafe made it's
debut in the pages of
Good Housekeeping in February...

...and the Blue Avocado bags that we wrote about back in January won "Smartest System" in Real Simple's review of reuseable bags (we personally love the veggie bags).

Congrats to them both!