an eco boutique

Grasshopper 510 Blog

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Making News in Detroit

We recently started carrying onesies from Project 571. The founders are great guys who are single-handedly bringing organic cotton to the Collegiate Apparel market. While they are based in the Chicago area, they have strong ties to Michigan and were recently featured in a Detroit News article. As luck would have it, we were fortunate enough to be interviewed for the piece:

'Grasshopper 510 has been carrying the university-logoed baby onesies for about a month, and sales of the organic baby wear have been good so far, said owner Jean Taylor. The onesies attract many recent and not-so-recent college graduates starting families who wouldn't normally shop there, she said. "They have the potential to bring in new kinds of customers," Taylor said.'

We currently have Loyola, Michigan State, Miami of Ohio, DePaul, and Iowa in stock. Pick one up for your Fan in Training!

Read the full article here.

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